December 12, 2015
Picture: Don Miguel Ruiz “The Four Agreements” It’s not always easy to be full of festive cheer when tense feelings lurk beneath the Christmas tree. Family gatherings can trigger old dynamics and emotions even when we feel we’ve personally resolved them. By responding differently, we can break patterns and turn a problem into an opportunity for understanding […]
November 11, 2015
Is resentment holding you back? What can you do to change the situation in a constructive and empowering way? Years ago, when I was adapting to the nuances of the English language, I asked a friend “Do you say: “to bear a grudge or ‘to bear grudge’?” (i.e. without the ‘a’) His answer: “It depends […]
October 10, 2012
An apology is often regarded as providing closure to a conflict situation. But how it’s done and the reasons for giving it can either bring about resolution or further resentment. So what constitutes an authentic apology and why? And how can it be delivered effectively? One’s definition of an apology, like one’s attitude to conflict, […]